How to set up Zylinc Novus

To set up Zylinc Novus to work with your Teams solution, you need to create four apps on your tenant - and then give us some information about them and your setup. You must enter the information in the GoLive Portal.


In the following, we will walk you through how to create these apps and find all the information you need to enter in the GoLive Portal.

Step 1 - Create the four apps and enter information about them in the GoLive Portal

For each app, there is a link below for instructions on how to create it. For each of the four apps, we need the following information that you enter into the GoLive portal under Data collection:

  • Name
  • Azure App ID
  • Azure App Secret



This app is used to authenticate users and agents in Zylinc Novus.

IMPORTANT: In step 1 of the guide, it is this link[your Zylinc tenant ID]/auth/signin-aad that you use, where you are asked to insert a link. Your Project Manager can inform you of what your tenant ID in Zylinc is.


This app is used to import users to the Novus contact list.


This app is used to see if the user is free / busy in their calendar.


This app is used to see presence in Teams. In the below you will be asked to create a Sync User/Service Account to subscribe to Teams/Skype presence.


Step 2 - Create a handful of accounts and users and enter information about them and your setup in the GoLive portal

In addition to the information about the four apps, you must also create a number of other accounts and a single AD group, and then enter information about them in the GoLive portal under Data collection.



You must provide us with this information.

  • Primary Tenant Domain Name
  • Azure Tenant ID (Directory ID)
  • The name of the Azure AD Group that you will use for Novus
  • UPN address and password on SyncUser/Service Account
  • Email address, UPN address and password for TDC Test Agent
  • E-mail address, UPN address and password for Sent e-mail/Service

Let's take them one by one.

Primary Tenant Domain Name and Azure Tenant ID

You can find this two information by logging on to So you do not need to create anything here, but just find the information and enter in the GoLive portal.

Primary Tenant Domain Name can be found under Azure Active Directory -> Custom domain names. The domain name we are looking for ends in So for example as here in our case:


Azure Tenant ID (previously Directory ID) is found under Azure Active Directory -> Properties -> Tenant ID.


Azure AD Group

You must create this group in your Azure AD, and then enter its name in the GoLive portal. Azure AD Group for the users that will appear in the webagent search query. Therefore, remember to include the web agents in this group.



SyncUser/Service Account

You must create this user, but it does not need to have a license or an e-mail address.

In the GoLive portal, enter the UPN address and password of this SyncUser/Service Account.

TDC Test Agent

You must create this user and give them an e-mail address.

In the GoLive Portal, enter the email address, UPN address and password.

Sent Email / Service Account

You must create this user and give them an email address.

This account will be used if someone responds to an email sent from Novus. It can either be with an automatic reply that says that this e-mail will not be seen (then the "reply-e-mail" address must be something like or it can be forwarded to the agent group e-mail.

In the GoLive Portal, enter your e-mail address, UPN address and password.

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