Transferring calls

It is easy to transfer calls in Skype for Business. Let us go through the different options.

Blind transfer – transfer calls without talking to the called person first

  1. Answer the call in Skype for Business
  2. Go to the Skype for Business caller window
  3. Click Transfer and a search box will appear. Search for the person you want to transfer to
  4. Select the person and click Transfer
  5. The transfer is taking place - and the call will be finally transferred once the called person accepts

Assisted transfer – transfer calls and talk to the called person first

  1. Answer the call in Skype for Business
  2. Go to the Skype for Business main area
  3. Enter the name or number of the person you want to transfer to and click Enter to call the person - the ringing person will be put on hold/music-on-hold
  4. When the recipient answers the call, you can continue the conversion
  5. Go back to the incoming call and click Transfer
  6. A search box will appear containing the new conversation
  7. Select the new call and click Transfer
  8. Transfer is completed

Private transfer – transfer calls to your phone

  1. Answer the call in Skype for Business
  2. In the conversation window, select the icon of call options in the lower right corner and then click Transfer
  3. In the next window, select mobile number in the list and then click Transfer
  4. Your own mobile will now ring
  5. Transfer is completed when you answer the call on your mobile

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