Business One™ IP Pro and Mobile Pro contain OnePresence, which gives users a better view of their colleagues as well as easy handling of diversions and status. Presence is used to see whether colleagues are present and available, which diversions they may have activated and meeting activity directly from Exchange (requires Business One™ Exchange integration).
OnePresence Web Client
Since OnePresence web client is web based, it is platform independent, and therefore all users in your company can benefit from it, whether you use Windows, Mac or Linux.
- Web client provides the following functionality:
- Make diversions (send your calls to voicemail, operator or other destinations)
- Phone status on all colleagues - both mobiles and desk phones
- Full overview of all colleagues and the status of their diversions
- Send messages to colleagues at. email and/or SMS (billed separately)
- Status of the messages - both voicemail and colleagues' written messages to you
- Phonebook of own and shared contacts
- Call history (incoming, outgoing and missed calls) with entries in the external number database (requires desk phone)
- Supports multiple languages (Danish, Swedish and English)
- "Click-2-call" functionality from applications in Windows (requires desk phone and Internet Explorer)
How to Log into Web Client
Open a web browser and go to A page will open where you enter your 7 digit extension number (consisting of your 3-digit customer code and the last 4 digits of your OneNumber) and password. The password is 0000 for the first time you log, which you are prompted to change at the first log in (remember to use only numbers and your extension number cannot be used).
Tip! Add this site to your Favourites/Bookmarks in your browser.
NB: If your browser asks if you want to accept the ActiveX object when you are logged in, (query usually comes just below the command line in the window), you must say yes/accept it. The ActiveX object allows, amongst others things, your status is updated automatically.
NB: If you forget your password, you can get a new one sent to you by pressing the "Search new password" button.
Searching and Status of Colleagues
The first tab in the web client is the "Search" tab. It appears on the left side at the top as a search box where you can search for specific colleagues to ensure their presence and status. Be aware that you do not need to write colleague's full name. You can, for example, write "jo" to find John.
To the right hand side of the “Search” is an overview of colleagues. Here you can see if your colleagues are available, whether they are busy on the phone( ), or whether they have created a diversion and the reason for that diversion (e.g. lunch, meeting, illness). This text is written in Red under the colleagues’ name.
Colleagues’ availability can also be displayed by clicking on the following graphic image:
Under the search box to the left is "My diversion presets" where it is possible to quickly and easily use five standard diversions (Lunch ½h, Temporarily away, Gone for the day, Meeting 1h, Meeting 2h). In addition, there is a button to open the phone again (remove current diversion(s)), and a button to create a new diversion presets (go to "Settings" tab and "Reference").
Click-2-call – Call Handling from the Web Client
- If you need to call a colleague or another contact in your phonebook, click on the colleague’s extension number or the full number of the contact.
- You can use the ”Click-2-call” functionality by marking the desired number, wherever it may be on your screen (in Word, Excel, Outlook Contacts, E-mails, Websites, etc.), and press Ctrl + §.
How to Make Diversions
Click the "Divert my phone."
Specify a cause of absence and adjust the time of absence. Tick the box "until further" if the absence does not have a fixed end time.
Choose whether the call should go to OneVoicemail (automatic answering service), divert to another number (group, colleague or external number) or whether the phone is kept open.
Add any text in the "Free text ..." which your colleagues can see when they search for you in the web client, if they need to know the reason for your diversion.
Use only the bottom text box if you have purchased PC Reception and want to make a specific absence message visible to the operators only.
- Remember to press the "Divert"
Under the tab "Divert my phone" you can also choose to schedule fixed absences, for example fixed weekly meeting in the department, or if you always go early on Tuesdays. If you need to schedule your absence, please click the "Schedule" on the left hand side. Additionally, see "Schedule" to view your current diversions/absence as well as your future diversions.
Managing OneVoicemail and Messages from Web Client
OneVoicemail is the personal automatic answering service for each user in the Business One™ Pro solution, which ensures that calls to your OneNumber are answered properly – and not just end up in a mobile equivalent, or ringing out.
The web client allows you to control the messages you receive to your OneVoicemail. You do this via the tab "Messages". If you have a new phone message, the tab will be red.
- Listen to message by clicking (either play the message directly in the web client, otherwise use your default media player on the PC)
- If you wish to save the message, click
- Click on if you wish to mark the message as read
- Delete the message by clicking on
- If you wish to save the number in your contacts, click
- If you have received text messages from your colleagues (sent from their web client or PC), you can forward them by clicking
Voicemail messages and text messages are stored in the same overview picture and are differentiated by symbols at the front of each message:
Voicemail message
Email message send by a colleague from a web client or PC Reception
SMS message send by a colleague from a web client or PC Reception
To the left in "Messages" you can send a message to your colleague - either via email or via SMS. Just select your colleague/write your colleague's email address/SMS number in the "Recipient" field and type in the free text box or select a standard message. Operators using the Business One™ solution have the ability to create standard messages that can be used by all other colleagues.
View your Call History
If you have a desk phone in your Business One™ solution, you can, under the "Call history" tab, get an overview of incoming, outgoing, missed and all calls. Select the list of all calls, the difference in the calls is seen by the various icons (see example below).
Note that the icon that follows the incoming telephone number above. Clicking this icon will result in the phone number appearing in (opens in new window).
”Phonebook” is your view of personal contacts. Below, you can easily add and manage your personal contacts – just click on “Add a new private contact”, complete the form and click “Save”
When the contact is created, you can call or send an e mail message to the contact from here.
Additionally, you can manage your favourites among your colleagues via “Phonebook”. Favourites are the colleagues that you often need to check for availability or call. If you need to add new colleagues to your favourites list in the “Phonebook”, you must first go to the “Search” tab, search for your contact and click on the star by the colleague’s name and number.
After this you can always find these colleagues in the “Phonebook” under Favourites.
My Information
Under the tab "My information" you can see the information that is written about you - including name, phone number, extension number, email address and organization plan and working hours:
Under "Settings" you can customize your web client to suit you. Below you can, amongst other things, create your own diversions, change language and password, and change settings for your OneVoicemail. Please review this summary of the features:
Reference:- Press “Add new diversion preset button" if you want to create personal diversions that you use often. After the diversion is created, it will also appear under "Search" and "Divert my phone."
- Click on "New forwarding target" if you want to create a destination for your call diversions, which is often used as a group, a colleague or an external number (e.g. home number). Please note that the company pays for the diverted calls to external numbers.
Language and web settings:
- Select the desired language and which page to open at logging in to the web client.
Search settings:
- Choose your default search type to the tab ”Search”. You can choose between:
- All = Both internal and external contacts
- Users = Company’s internal contacts (colleagues)
- Contacts = Company’s external contacts (not your own, private contacts)
Change personal code:
- Here you can change your log in code.
- NB: It is not possible to change the code back to 0000 or extension number.
- Here you can select shortcut keys for calling
- NB: It is not recommended to change this setting
Message settings:
- Message settings allow you to adjust settings for your OneVoicemail:
- Enable language changes for external calls, for example, ”For information in English press 5, Velkommen. De har ringet til ’Anders Andersen’…”.
- Language selection – Both the primary (”Velkommen. De har ringet til…”) and secondary (”For information in English press 5”).
- Enable the possibility to leave a message, in order for the caller to leave a voicemail message to the user.
- Enable the feature “connect to operator”, if you wish to offer the caller the option to get in touch with a colleague rather than leaving a message, for example, (”To reroute to the operator, press 9”).
- Calls are forwarded to operator – choose the operator group you wish to forward calls to.
- Use personal recorded name – Here your can use your own recorded name is your welcome greeting (for example, “Welcome, You have reached ‘Anders Andersen’…”).
- Use recorded greeting after diversion information – Play your own personal message after the speech generated greeting (for example, “Welcome, the person you are looking for is not responding. ‘Personal Message’…”).
- Activate quick listening gives the possibility to go direct to listen to voicemails in stead of starting in OneVoicemail main menu.
- Notification options – choose if the notification email when you get a voicemail should include the voicemail as an attachment, get a link to the voicemail or just a notification.
- Adviseringsvalg – hvor du kan vælge om din adviserings-email skal være med eller uden selve voicemail-beskeden. ”E-mail link” tilføjer link til webklientens fane ”Telefonbesked” i fremsendte email-advisering.
- Notifications delivered by – email, SMS or both.
- In addition, you can choose whether listening to your voicemail from your PC takes place via an internal or an external player (opens in new window).
- Ved sidste af disse indstillinger kan du vælge om du vil modtage dine beskeder via email, SMS eller begge dele.
- NB: Remember to press “Save” when you have made changes.
Click on “Add New” if you want to write a help-text to your colleagues that they can see when they search for you. This will be seen in PC Reception and under “Search” if you click on the desired person.
Time zones:
Set the time zone you are in.
12 Help!
The tab help gives you two things:
- List of colour codes for diversions, and
- The option to download the manufacturer’s manual.