How to order a new SIM card

As a company administrator in Self-service ordering a new SIM card and suspending the old one is just a few clicks away.
Find the colleague you want to order a new SIM card for. You do that by either clicking Subscriptions, picking Overview and finding the person in the list, or simply by using the search field in the upper right corner.
Once in the person's subscription profile, click the section SIM Card in the menu on the left.
In this section you can order a new SIM card for your colleague by filling in the fields below Order new SIM Card. Most fields are filled in automatically with the info we have on your company and the user, but you are free to change the fields manually.
The SIM card will need to be activated before it can be used. Once you complete your order, we will send the activation link to the e-mail address you enter in the field Recipient of activation email. We recommend that you use the e-mail address of the person needing the SIM card.
Choose whether you want to suspend the old SIM card and click Order.
The new SIM card is now on its way - we will pack and ship it as quickly as possible.
The suspension of the old SIM card is effective immediately.
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